The Royal Executioner of the French Revolution questions the morality of his profession when he is forced to kill innocent men women and children.
A radical revolutionary government takes power in France and forces royal executioner Charles-Henri to execute King Louis XVI. Disgusted by Robespierre’s orders to use capital punishment against dissenters, Charles-Henri and his family are threatened with death if he resigns. A sudden regime change gives him a chance to break the cycle by ordering him to execute Robespierre. Although a broken Charles-Henri dies his son ends their six-generation legacy of executioners.
Genre: Historical Drama
Director: Peter Soos
Producers: Carlos Alperin, Kornel Sipos
Writer: Marshall Ferrin
Countries: Australia/France/Hungary
Duration: 100′
Language: English
Year of Production: 2025
Budget: $15m
Available Territories: Worldwide
Winner Best Script, Berlin New Wave Film Festival
Winner Best Screenplay at the Festival Napoleon on Champs Elysees in Paris
Winner Best Film Noir Screenplay, Los Angeles Film Awards
Winner Best Screenplay Dark Drama, Atlanta After Dark film Festival
Winner Best Film Noir Screenplay, Festigiuos Los Angeles
Winner Best Screenplay, L.A. Neo Noir Novel, Film & Script Online Festival
Winner Best Feature Script, Nice International Film Festival
Winner Best Historical Screenplay, French International Modern Film and Script Festival